Bull Series

In the Bull Series the form of the horn has found its way into my until 2010 abstract style of painting. Listening to Mexican Mariachi music numerous visions appeared before my inner eye.


I saw barren desert-like wasteland, dusty roads and bull skulls. That vision was mixed with my impressions of the Teachings of Don Juan by Carlos Castaneda and I then had to find a way to connect these visions to my ink paintings and bring them onto canvas in a cohesive manner.


This series lined up effortlessly with my previous work but demanded more depth and a more complex approach of me. Many new paintings have been created which I am tremendously proud of.


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Rinderschädel, Postkarten-Set, Kunst, Bull Skull, Wacken, Boho, Schneckenpost, Kartensammler, Geschenke, Hamburger Künstler, art shop, art cards, postcard, longhorn, Suzan Leisering
Postkarten-Set "Urbulle" €12,90