
Butterfly Greetings

Hello, art friends. How are you?

I hope you're having a relaxing Sunday - or rather an exciting one? - full of lovely Sunday romance, whatever kind you desire.

This morning I went to the park for a spin on the bicycle and for a long walk. It was marvelous!

Slowly but surely spring is coming back and with it my energy levels are picking up again. Nature is reinventing itself and art projects are gainting momentum.

Do you feel the same?

Until the butterflies are coming out to play I will be painting them in my "Nursery Collection" - monogram paintings for kid's rooms.

The ABC is almost finished and soon I'll get started on the photography and printing. I'm looking forward to seeing the prints in my shop and being able to offer them to you.

I hope to be representing your child's initials in the best way possible - I'm giving it my all!
These gentle paintings are giving me such joy and it is my hope that you will love them just as much.


Is your letter already among these?

Have a wonderful Sunday and see you next time in the Atelierpost

Love and blooms,


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Rinderschädel, Postkarten-Set, Kunst, Bull Skull, Wacken, Boho, Schneckenpost, Kartensammler, Geschenke, Hamburger Künstler, art shop, art cards, postcard, longhorn, Suzan Leisering
Postkarten-Set "Urbulle" €12,90